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FREE Lucky Spins For Everyone + BONUS 10,000 Eggs Up For Grabs

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Hello fellow dinos! Are you ready to go on an egg-venture? Introducing Krystal Dino Quest! All you have to do is complete simple tasks to earn yourself a free spin and a chance to win 500 Eggs!

Here are the main prizes that you’ll receive:

Want those Eggs & Spins? Lets’s goo!

How do I participate?

Step 1: Check-in and take a screenshot

  1. Complete the social tasks on Gleam and input your wallet address
  2. Download Krystal mobile app (iOS | Android)
  3. Connect your existing wallet or create a new wallet with Krystal
  4. Click on Explore > Reward Hunting
  5. Check-in & spin the wheel (more info here)
  6. Take a Screenshot of the number of eggs you have won

Step 2: Tweet your screenshot

Reply to this tweet with the screengrab with the caption of the number of eggs you have won, with the hashtags: #krystaleggs #krystalspintowin #krystaldefi

Example: if you received 5 eggs, the caption will be:

“🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 #krystaleggs #krystalspintowin #krystaldefi”

Campaign period

The campaign will run for 5 consecutive days. Submissions beyond the campaign dates will not be included in the raffle.

Campaign Start: 3rd June 2022

Campaign End: 8th June 2022

That’s it! Wait for us to airdrop your spin and announce the winners for the eggs. Follow us on Telegram for updates. You do not have to do anything on your end to claim the rewards.

Navigate the DeFi Space now with Krystal!

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